Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How do I order on your website?
A: Simply find the product you want and click the 'Add To Cart' button. Fill in your shipping and billing information and we'll have your order shipped to you as soon as possible!
Q: What is your policy on refunds?
A: 100% Satisfaction Guarantee - We want to provide you with a risk-free shopping experience. Check our returns policy page to know more.
Q: How will I know that my order was successful?
A: We will notify you by email when we receive your order.
Q: When will I receive my order?
A: Our fulfilment warehouses pack your ordered item and ship the package out as soon as possible. For most in-store products, our estimated delivery time is 2 - 10 days. Check our delivery information to know more.
Q: Do you only deliver within Nigeria?
A: Yes, delivery is only within Nigeria for now and we aim to expand to other countries soon.
Q: Will my items be sent in one package?
A: For logistics reasons, items in the same purchase may sometimes be sent in separate packages, even if you've specified combined shipping. Please keep this in mind when receiving deliveries.
Q: Can I order for you to deliver to multiple addresses?
A: Yes you can. If you would like to have items sent to separate addresses, please complete a separate order for each address (i.e. 1 order = 1 address)
Q: What about delivery charges?
A: Delivery charges are done per purchase order but not to worry, we keep it low!. Nonetheless, free delivery offers are also available subject to terms, conditions, promotions, etc.
Q: Is your website secure with my personal information?
A: Absolutely! We use SSL security to ensure all your personal information is encrypted. We do not store your credit card information and it will be used one-time only upon purchasing of your product. Then your credit card information will be purged.
Q: Do you offer Cash on Delivery (COD)
A: We have experienced people not paying after receiving the products, so, unfortunately, that is not something we offer.
Q: How do I contact you?
A: Please feel free to send us an email at: "" and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.